Trust through expertise

About us

Founded in 2010 by experienced lawyers, the law firm trûon Rechtsanwälte combines diverse expertise in all areas of real estate-related and public commercial law – a highly specialized corporate law firm with an eye for the essentials.

Our name trûon – derived from Old High German „triuwōn / trūwēn“ – stands for trust.

Earning trust. Not only the trust of the client, but also that of the negotiating partner. In an atmosphere of earned trust, parties reach consensus much more quickly, efficiently and satisfactorily.

Achieving goals. Law is primarily a means to an end – our ultimate goal is to achieve your business objectives and strategies. We employ our legal expertise to implement these objectives and strategies in a focused and creative manner, drawing on our experience and knowledge of the market. We offer clear opinions and provide a reasonable risk analysis.

At trûon Rechtsanwälte, we are dedicated to your concerns with competence and passion – for real estate, exciting projects and complex legal issues.


Bürogebäude mit Spiegelung in den Fenstern

We advise clients on all types of real estate transactions, whether asset deals, share deals, portfolio transactions, bidding processes or joint ventures.

Specifically, we structure transactions, prepare, support and execute acquisitions and sales (transaction management), perform due diligence reviews, draft and negotiate the necessary contract documentation – including financing agreements if requested – and supervise the implementation and performance of contracts.

Of course, our services are not limited to legal advice for our clients, but also include support for strategic business decisions.

Bürogebäude im Aufbau

Wir beraten Projektentwicklungen in ganz Deutschland. Dank unserer Expertise im Immobilienwirtschaftsrecht, in der Vertragsgestaltung und im öffentlichen Recht können wir dabei alle für erfolgreiche Projektentwicklungen erforderlichen Aspekte in unserer Beratung abdecken. Wir begleiten und unterstützen unsere Mandanten in sämtlichen Projektstadien von der Initiierung und Planung der Immobilie über den Erwerb der Projektgrundstücke bis zur Fertigstellung und Verwertung der Immobilie. Kriterien bzgl. Nachhaltigkeit und ESG beziehen wir auf Wunsch selbstverständlich mit ein.

Unsere Beratung umfasst unter anderem die Erstellung und Verhandlung der erforderlichen Vertragsdokumentation, wie z.B. des Grundstückskaufvertrages, der Architektenverträge, Finanzierungsverträge, Bauverträge, Maklerverträge, Mietverträge, Nachbarschaftsvereinbarungen und öffentlich-rechtlichen Verträge. Zudem begleiten wir die Baurechtsschaffung, einerseits bei der Aufstellung oder Änderung von Bebauungsplänen, andererseits bei der Einholung sämtlicher erforderlicher Genehmigungen. Bei vorhabenbezogenen Bebauungsplänen wirken wir bei der Erstellung der erforderlichen Vorhaben- und Erschließungspläne sowie bei dem Abschluss der Durchführungsverträge mit.

Unter Berücksichtigung etwa des Nachbar-, Immissionsschutz- und Naturschutzrechts koordinieren wir die unterschiedlichen Rechtsbeziehungen der einzelnen Projektbeteiligten im Interesse unserer Mandanten.

Ziel unserer Beratung ist es stets, die bei Projektentwicklungen auftretenden Konflikte (wie z.B. bauvertraglicher, städtebaulicher oder nachbarrechtlicher Natur) durch vorausschauende Planung zu vermeiden oder im Interesse unserer Mandanten zu überwinden.

Gebäude mit Spiegelung in den Fenstern

Wir unterstützen unsere Mandanten bei der Strukturierung, Planung und Ausführung von Bauvorhaben. Wir verfügen über langjährige Erfahrung bei der rechtlichen Beratung im Zusammenhang mit Baugenehmigungsverfahren und der Bauleitplanung. Hier unterstützen wir unsere Mandanten bei der optimalen Ausnutzung vorhandener planungsrechtlicher Festsetzungen oder bei der Schaffung neuen Planungsrechts.

Unsere Beratung im Bereich des Planungsrechts erfasst dabei auch das Fachplanungsrecht (wie z.B. Energieleitungs-, Fernstraßen-, Wasserstraßen-, Berg-, Luftverkehrs- und Eisenbahnrecht).

Hier begleiten wir unsere Mandanten – sei es auf Seiten der Investoren/Vorhabenträger, sei es auf Seiten der öffentlichen Hand (z.B. als Projektmanager) oder als Vertreter betroffener Dritter – in sämtlichen Verfahrensstadien von Planfeststellungs- oder Plangenehmigungsverfahren.

Bürogebäude im Licht

We develop and negotiate construction agreements and any other contract documents required for the realization of a project. We have a wide-ranging experience with different contractual structures (including special forms, such as open book or GMP models).

We design architect and engineering agreements with their specific requirements. The issues are, inter alia, to achieve the highest possible degree of cost certainty for the client in respect of construction costs as well as architect’s fees and to find adequate solutions for the architect’s copyright.

Besides architect agreements, we also advise on other kinds of contracts such as contracts with specialists, experts, project managers according to the requirements of the relevant building project. In addition to that, we provide legal advice in the course of a building project, e.g. in relation to claims management.

In the scope of private building and architect law, due to restrictions imposed by laws regulating the use of general terms and conditions, construction projects require strategic and tactical planning, as well as tailormade solutions to limit costs, meet deadlines and ensure quality.

Bürogebäude an der Elbe

We counsel clients on office leases, logistics leases, retail and shopping center leases with industry-specific features, hotel leases (including hybrid solutions bordering on management agreements), movie theater leases, restaurant leases, leases for industrial properties, long-term property licenses etc. When drafting contracts, we take up-to-date requirements such as sustainability/ESG into account. Our services range from the leasing of portfolio properties to and from third parties, to pre-letting, to complex headquarter leases with “breathing buildings,” to joint venture-style participation by the lessee in the development of the property.

When advising clients on lease transactions, we make sure to look beyond leasing issues. A complex pre-letting, for example, requires in-depth knowledge of private and public construction law.

We also assist our clients with property or asset management, whether they wish to manage their own real estate holdings or outsource property or asset management services, or whether the management of assets, properties, or shopping centers is their own core business.

This also includes the development and implementation of mechanisms designed to guarantee quality of service (using financial incentives, service level agreements, etc.).

Our focus is to promote long-term added value for our clients to have them provide successful, efficient, and goal-oriented property and asset management services.

Hamburger Industrie

We advise our clients on environmental concerns arising in connection with development plans, construction projects, system permits, real estate and M&A transactions, and any other environmental law issues.

We support our clients, in particular, in all matters involving soil protection, emissions control, waste management, water management or environmental protection law. Our services encompass legal advice on the remediation, including the drafting of complex decontamination agreements with private parties and public entities, as well as legal advice for waste producers and waste site owners on all issues of waste management law.

We usually work on environmental law matters in close cooperation with the technical and scientific advisors of our clients, and in the process have developed a solid understanding of the technical aspects involved.

Trûon erneuerbare Energien

In the renewable energy field we have experience with the development, purchase and sale, as well as financing of wind parks (onshore and offshore) and solar parks, but also with market launch of innovative technologies such as infrastructure for charging stations.

We handle all legal issues arising in this connection, in particular permitting and zoning issues, the specific framework of German and European regulatory law, tender procedures at the Federal Grid Agency, energy law and contract law issues e.g. related to network connection and network access, as well as property law issues.

When clients develop renewable energy projects, we also provide support in connection with the approval process, execution of the necessary user agreements, and recording of easements securing those agreements, and we negotiate the necessary project agreements (e.g., general contractor agreements, purchase and maintenance agreements, operator agreements, network access agreements, network connection agreements) as well as energy supply contracts or PPAs.

Architektur mit Blick nach oben

We advise government entities as well as bidders on all issues of public procurement law and during all phases of the public procurement process.

When advising bidders, we provide legal advice during the entire process up to submission of the final bid. We pay special attention to early recognition of any violations of public procurement law and take all steps necessary to protect the interests of our clients.

As always, it is our goal to avoid litigation as much as possible, and to make the public procurement process as expeditious and efficient as possible for both parties. If necessary, we will however represent government entities that have awarded contracts, or bidders that were not awarded contracts, in contract award review proceedings before the Public Procurement Review Board and in court.

Architektur mit Blick nach oben

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Schönes Wohnhaus mit besonderer Planung

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Lawyer and Partner

Dr. Dirk Büllesfeld, LL.M.

Dagmar Jonski
Lawyer and Partner

Dagmar Jonski

Laywer and Partner

Dr. Sonja Tegtmeyer

Dr. Felix von Stackelberg
Lawyer and Partner

Dr. Felix Frhr. v. Stackelberg, LL.M.

Antonia Koch
Associate Lawyer

Antonia Koch

Benjamin Lehmann
Associate Lawyer

Benjamin Schultek

Associate Lawyer

Dr. Mario Schliephake

Associate Lawyer

Dr. Beatrix Thoma

Associate Lawyer

Anna-Kathrin Schwarz, LL.M.

Associate Lawyer

Katharina Stuwe

Associate Lawyer

Ann-Jana Thinus


Lawyer and Partner

Dr. Dirk Büllesfeld, LL.M.

Dirk Büllesfeld is one of the founding partners of trûon Rechtsanwälte. From the beginning of 2005 until trûon Rechtsanwälte was founded in 2010, Dirk Büllesfeld worked as an attorney at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer in Hamburg.

Dirk Büllesfeld studied law at the University of Freiburg, where he also worked as an academic assistant and wrote his dissertation on a topic of police and constitutional law. His federal law clerkship took him to Lübeck, Hamburg and New York. In 2008 he earned his LL.M. degree in environment, planning and regulatory at Nottingham Trent University.
Dirk Büllesfeld is co-author of the commentary issued by Greb/Boewe on the Renewable Energy Sources Act and teaches at the BBA – Akademie der Immobilienwirtschaft e.V., Berlin.


  • public building and planning law
  • environmental law
  • renewable energy law
  • infrastructure projects
  • real estate transactions
  • commercial tenancy law
  • project developments

Languages: German, English, French

Phone:+49 40 55 44 5 99 33

Dagmar Jonski

Lawyer and Partner

Dagmar Jonski

Dagmar Jonski is one of the founding partners of trûon Rechtsanwälte. Until trûon Rechtsanwälte was founded in 2010, she worked as an attorney at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer in Hamburg practicing real estate business law. During her time at Freshfields, she also completed secondment with the Asian subsidiary of a capital investment company, advising the company on investments in Asia.

Dagmar Jonski studied law at the University of Hamburg. After graduating from law school, she worked for the law firm of Anders Luther/Anderson Legal in Hamburg, Germany, and Sydney, Australia, and later worked as a legal assistant for the law firm of Happ Recke Luther. She was admitted to the bar in 2004.


  • real estate transactions (asset deals, share deals, forward deals, sale and lease back)
  • project developments
  • joint ventures and cooperation agreements
  • lease agreements
  • asset management
  • advising institutional, regulated and public enterprises

Languages: German, English

Phone:+49 40 55 44 5 99 44

Laywer and Partner

Dr. Sonja Tegtmeyer

Sonja Tegtmeyer is one of the founding partners of trûon Rechtsanwälte. After admittance to the bar in 2004 she worked as an attorney at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer in Hamburg practicing real estate business law until founding trûon Rechtsanwälte in 2010.

Sonja studied law in Göttingen, Germany, and Madrid, Spain. After her federal clerkship in Hamburg, she worked as an academic assistant at the International Tax Institute of the University of Hamburg and wrote her dissertation on a topic of international tax law.


  • Real estate transactions (asset and share deals, sale and lease back)
  • real estate joint ventures
  • bidding processes
  • project developments
  • real estate financing
  • commercial tenancy law, asset management

Languages: German, English, Spanish, French

Phone:+49 40 55 44 5 99 55

Dr. Felix von Stackelberg

Lawyer and Partner

Dr. Felix Frhr. v. Stackelberg, LL.M.

Felix v. Stackelberg is partner at trûon Rechtsanwälte. He was admitted to the bar in 2010. He works with trûon since 2011, becoming a partner in 2018.

Felix v. Stackelberg studied law at the Universities of Göttingen and Poitiers (France) In 2007, he earned his post-graduate LL.M. degree at the University of Edinburgh. in European Law. His legal clerkship took him to Hamburg, Bonn and Kazakhstan. Thereafter, he wrote his dissertation on a topic of Constitutional law and environmental protection law.


  • project developments
  • public building and planning law
  • real estate transactions (asset and share deals)
  • commercial tenancy law
  • public procurement law
  • renewable energy law

Languages: German, English, French, Russian

Phone:+49 40 55 44 5 99 88

Antonia Koch

Associate Lawyer

Antonia Koch

Antonia Koch is an employed associate of trûon Rechtsanwälte since 2017. Since her admittance to the bar in 2014, she was employed at a real estate law firm with notary in Hanover.

Antonia Koch studied law at the University of Bremen. During her legal clerkship at the higher regional court of Bremen, she worked at the real estate group of an international law office in Hamburg and in London.


  • real estate transactions
  • project developments
  • commercial tenancy law
  • private building and architect law

Languages: German, English

Phone:+49 40 55 44 5 99 77

Benjamin Lehmann

Associate Lawyer

Benjamin Schultek

Benjamin Schultek (né Lehmann) works at trûon Rechtsanwälte since 2021 as an associate lawyer. He was admitted to the bar in 2021.

Benjamin Schultek studied law at the University of Greifswald. After working for a major law firm in the public commercial law sector he finished his legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court (Oberlandesgericht) of Schleswig with stages in Lübeck and Hamburg.


  • real estate transactions
  • project developments
  • public building and planning law
  • commercial tenancy law
  • litigation

Languages: German, English

Phone:+49 40 55 44 5 99 20

Associate Lawyer

Dr. Mario Schliephake

Mario Schliephake works at trûon Rechtsanwälte since 2022. He was admitted to the bar in 2019. Before joining trûon Rechtsanwälte, Mario Schliephake worked as a lawyer at a commercial law firm in Hamburg, inter alia in the field of energy regulatory law.

Mario Schliephake studied law and political science at the University of Jena and at the University of Heidelberg. During his legal clerkship at the Regional Court of Heidelberg, he worked for a law firm in Stuttgart specializing in public commercial law. He completed his dissertation in public law on the protection of confidential information in public companies.


  • Public building and planning law
  • environmental law
  • energy industry law
  • renewable energy law
  • infrastructure projects
  • project developments
  • real estate transactions

Languages: German, English

Phone:+49 40 55 44 5 99 66

Associate Lawyer

Dr. Beatrix Thoma

Beatrix Thoma (born zu Knyphausen) joined trûon Rechtsanwälte in 2022. She was admitted to the bar in 2022.

Beatrix Thoma studied law at the Universities of Heidelberg and Münster. Afterwards, she completed her dissertation in public law on a constitutional law question. Before joining trûon, she worked as a research assistant in the corporate law/M&A practice group of two international commercial law firms. During her legal clerkship, she worked, among others, in the Construction Senate of the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court, at the Administrative Court and in the litigation practice group of a commercial law firm.


  • Real estate transactions
  • project developments
  • private construction law
  • commercial tenancy law
  • litigation

Languages: German, English, French

Phone:+49 40 55 44 5 99 77

Associate Lawyer

Anna-Kathrin Schwarz, LL.M.

Anna-Kathrin Schwarz studied law at the University of Bayreuth. Afterwards she earned an LL.M. degree in Human Rights Law at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow and thereafter worked fort wo years as a legal research assistant at the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh. She then completed her legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court (Oberlandesgericht) of Celle, including a stage with a major law firm in the public commercial law sector in Hamburg and a stage with the German Embassy in Madrid.


  • Public building and planning law
  • environmental law
  • energy industry law
  • renewable energy law
  • infrastructure projects
  • project developments
  • real estate transactions

Languages: German, English, Spanish

Tel:+49 40 55 44 599-30

Associate Lawyer

Katharina Stuwe

Katharina Stuwe joined trûon Rechtsanwälte in 2023.

Katharina Stuwe first worked as a bank clerk. She then studied law at the University of Heidelberg and completed her legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court (Oberlandesgericht) of Karlsruhe. She then worked in a boutique law firm specialised in public and private commercial law. Most recently, Katharina Stuwe worked for a financial holding company of a financial institution as an in-house lawyer in investment management, in particular supporting investment companies with a focus on real estate.


  • Real estate transactions
  • real estate joint ventures
  • project developments
  • corporate investment management
  • asset management

Languages: German, English

Phone:+49 40 55 44 5 99 22

Associate Lawyer

Ann-Jana Thinus

Ann-Jana Thinius works at trûon Rechtsanwälte since 2024 as an associate lawyer. She was admitted to the bar in 2024.
Ann-Jana Thinius studied law at the university of Tübingen. Her legal clerkship in Hamburg included stages with trûon Rechtsanwälte and with another law firm specialized in real estate law.


  • Public building and planning law
  • environmental law
  • project developments
  • real estate transactions

Languages: German, English


A law firm without assistance is like the Elbe without water. Thanks to our friendly staff in the secretariat, everything runs smoothly.

The lawyers at trûon Rechtsanwälte PartmbB are actively supported by our assistants Marina Ebermann, Stefan Heine, Djeneba Fané and Pamela Porozynski.

Here, you too will always find an open ear for your concerns, your appointment request, etc.

Tel:+49 40 55 44 5 99 0



Wir bieten für hochqualifizierte Juristen mit überdurchschnittlichen Examensergebnissen und sehr guten Englischkenntnissen die Alternative zur typischen Großkanzlei: Arbeiten in einem jungen und dynamischen Team mit flachen Hierarchien an spannenden und abwechslungsreichen Aufgaben innerhalb des öffentlichen und immobilienbezogenen Wirtschaftsrechts und darüber hinaus.

Wir suchen kreative Köpfe, die mit Leidenschaft und viel Engagement bei der Sache sind, die Herausforderungen eines anspruchsvollen Jobs aber auch in einem gesunden Verhältnis zu ihrem Privatleben sehen. Sie sehen sich als Wirtschaftsberater und arbeiten gerne lösungsorientiert? Sie ziehen ein breitgefächertes „Training on the Job“ mit raschem Kontakt zum Mandanten einer Ausbildung zum Inselbegabten im „Back Office“ vor? Dann freuen wir uns, Sie kennenzulernen!

Bitte richten Sie Ihre Bewerbung als Rechtsanwalt (m/w/d) oder Referendar (m/w/d) an Dr. Dirk Büllesfeld unter .